Who are you choosing to be today? Our identity is something we place so much importance on, and yet what if your identity no longer serves you and is holding you back from stepping into the next level of your life?
I’m smart. I don’t like parties. I’m quiet. I’m an extrovert. I’m always broke. I’m athletic. I prefer the city to the countryside. I don’t like broccoli. I’m cool. I’m always tired. We all make claims like these every day, and these claims make up our identity. How much of it is true and how much of it is a story you tell yourself? Perhaps a story of who you once were and are no longer. Perhaps a story that you took on from family, your social circle, or your community. What if you shifted the narrative, who would you become then?
Every day I choose to embody the identity of my future self. I choose to shift my identity. It’s not always an easy feat, but if I’m going to become that person I must choose to be that person today. For years I was caught up in an identity that no longer served me, an identity that was comprised of stories from my childhood and my teenage years. You have the power every day to change, to simply claim a new version of yourself. As soon as you claim that identity, your subconscious gets to work, navigating you to the opportunities to embody it.
So, who are you going to choose to be today?