The comfort zone is our greatest nemesis. Remaining in your comfort zone keeps you small, it keeps you from growing and expanding. Everything that you desire is outside your comfort zone.
But the comfort zone feels so safe. It’s predictable.
By doing hard things we learn to explore beyond our comfort zone and feel safe outside of it.
Doing hard things requires courage.
Doing hard things builds resilience.
Doing hard things produces growth.
Every time you do a hard thing you train your body to become comfortable with discomfort. This creates greater self-esteem and a physical confirmation that it’s safe, it’s safe to explore beyond your comfort zone. Even if you fail at the hard thing, you know that you are still alive and everything is going to be okay. This lessens the fear and increases the courage to try again, or try other hard things.
Doing hard things is the gateway to success. You will find that the more you do hard things, the more you will experience growth in all areas of your life.
Start today. Start doing things that push you into the discomfort zone, and in five years time you won’t recognize yourself. You will become a greater version of you.